Continuum Partners Sets Sites on DTLA Arts District

As the Covid- 19 pandemic shows signs of abating, Continuum Partners has proposed an ambitious project at Central and 4th street in the heart of downtown Los Angeles. Continuum has partnered with the Los Angeles Cold Storage Co. to take over the 7.6 acre parcel of land which has been a cold storage plant since 1895.
“L.A. Cold Storage will find a new home at a more fitting location, and our current site will be a new home and community to thousands of Angelenos — that gives me a tremendous amount of pride,” said L.A. Cold Storage Co. President Larry Rauch, “This property has given me and my family so much, and a new location will afford us the opportunity to expand and best serve our customers.”
Continuum Partners is currently seeking approval from the city and hashing out private funding for the project. If greenlit, "Fourth & Central" would include 10 buildings including a 42-story residential tower. The project proposal also entails a complex that houses 572 condominiums and 949 apartments. 216 units will be set aside as low-income-reduced- rent apartments.
The developer hopes to start construction on Fourth & Central within two years and hopes to complete it in phases during the ensuing five to seven years.
Read full story on LA Times