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Worker Hesitation in Getting Vaccine a Problem as Employers Struggle to Vaccinate Workforce

Picture Credit Mario Tama via Getty Images

Construction workers' hesitancy in getting the covid-19 vaccine is proving to be a problem for employers as companies and healthcare professionals strategize how to raise the vaccination numbers amongst the workforce. Across the country, the percentage of Americans who have yet to get the first shot is still in the mid-40s. Amongst construction workers, polling shows that 46% of respondents had no intention of getting the vaccine; a number slightly higher than the general population.

Most companies want their workforce vaccinated and are crafting incentive programs and weighing the use of mandates. However, experts recognize that the effort must start with dispelling the skepticism that surrounds the subject. Surveys show that workers don't trust the vaccine and many fall prey to misinformation that flourishes online.

Education components have been effective and companies have had positive results after bringing healthcare professionals on to sites to clear up misinformation. Also, managers and CEOs can lead by example and get the shot themselves in order to alleviate fear with their workers.

“We’re seeing a bigger move toward incentives, but that education piece is still really critical, along with strong communication from management, often coupled with leadership." By getting the shot themselves, CEOs and managers provide, "that sense of community and motivation.” said labor Attorney Katherine Suttle Weinert of Labor law firm Littler Mendelson.

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